It's said that, in order for a motor skill to become learned (or subconscious) an athlete must perform the skill 10,000 times.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Strike Zone

Explanation of strike zoneImage via Wikipedia

Strike Zone

To help a player become familiar with their strike zone. Tape the player's strike zone on his/her locker or on his/her closet door at home, then everytime they open the door he/she can visualize their strike zone.

You can also add paper cutouts of baseballs. You can place "target balls" in the players "sweet spot" as well as in their weak spot.

Swing away,

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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Weighted Sleeves

Weighted Sleeves

The old stand by drill is putting a weighted sleeve on the bat. Obviously, this is an overload drill which strengthens the wrists and forearms. Players should swing the overloaded bat 100 times per day to see results (not only, right before they're up to bat).

Swing away,