It's said that, in order for a motor skill to become learned (or subconscious) an athlete must perform the skill 10,000 times.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Color Call

Color Call

Essentially the same as the "Tracking" drill in the last post, except the coach adds 3 baseballs with four dots, one dot on each belly of the ball. One ball is dotted with four red dots, one ball dotted blue, and one black. Pitcher holds all 3 and throws one. Player "calls" color.

This drill teaches concentration and seeing 'spin".

Swing away,

Tuesday, February 9, 2010



Tape a strike zone on the wall and then have hitters visually "track" a pitched ball into the strike zone and call the pitch as it passes each hitter.

Swing away,

Monday, February 8, 2010

Power Swing Fan

Power Swing Fan

Use power swing fans 50-100 times daily. Excellent for developing bat speed and strength.

NOTE: don't use just prior to hitting, it seems to hinder timing. Also may lead to "sweeping" the bat so use carefully and with correct form.

Here's a link to a site that sells them Click Here

Swing away,